During a press conference with Mayor Santellana this morning, it was announced that the first case of COVID-19 has been diagnosed in Wichita County. The only thing we know is that this person traveled to Budapest and Hungary and came through DFW airport and drove straight home from Dallas. This person and their spouse self-quarantined right away and alerted their doctor's office before making a visit to the office and being tested. They drove straight home and did not visit any other locales in Wichita county, per the report. We hope this means that this case has been isolated and contained. The news report can be found here
Please make sure that you are not making any unnecessary trips outside your home.
-- Try not to visit public places if at all possible except to buy food and supplies, go to doctor's appointments, or pick up prescriptions.
-- If you can work from home, please do so. If you must be at work, try to stay at least 6 feet from others and clean your hands and your work station frequently.
-- If you are sick, STAY HOME. No matter how much you think they can't do without you at work, it is not worth spreading this disease. Even if YOU don't feel that bad, you may spread it to someone who could die from it. Once again, if you feel sick, DO NOT walk- in to the office without calling us first. If you are mildly ill, we will keep you at home to avoid exposing others and ask you to check in with us daily. If you are seriously ill with shortness of breath, fever, and dry cough, please call us and we will initiate a video call or phone call to help guide you. Any visits we have with sick patients will occur in the parking lot. This situation is changing daily and we will try to keep you abreast of everything that is evolving in our community and nation. If you have any questions or concerns at all about what is happening please don't hesitate to call me. THIS is why access to your physician is important and why we do what we do. We are lucky that we are prepared for just such an emergency. Stay well! Dr. Kissi Blackwell Clarity Direct Care
